Connecting with Rwanda: The Impact of Matriarch Coffee

Matriarch coffee is involved in every aspect of the coffee we offer, from seed to cup. We source the finest coffees from a community of Rwandan farmers right next to the mountains of Nyungwe tropical rainforest. This article will introduce you to Matriarch Coffee and how the company impacts women and communities around Rwanda coffee farms. The history of our founders, quality of coffee, flavor profile and what makes this brand special will also be explored.
The inspiration for Matriarch Coffee was based on stories shared by four women of African descent: Marie Mukamurenzi (Rwanda), Maame Tebuyaa (Ghana), Betty Mae Harper (USA), and Denise J. Christian (US Virgin Islands). The story of each Women named embodies the meaning of matriarch. They continue to fulfill pivotal roles as leaders of their community, farms and households.
In these communities, women play significant leadership roles in terms of moral authority, social privilege, and control of property. The role of a matriarch is not limited to just a mother who is head and ruler of her family and descendants. Our matriarch brought transformational leadership to our families and communities and we carry their legacy through Matriarch Coffee by inspiring and supporting current and future generations of Matriarchs starting from the coffee farming communities.
The four women that inspired Matriarch Coffee are at the center of the economic, moral, spiritual and educational lives of the founders of Matriarch Coffee. Their stories are a vital part of this company because, despite prevailing circumstances and societal norms, they have provided leadership that allowed for our families' resilience, as well as contributed to the welfare of our communities.
At Matriarch Coffee we are passionate in providing direct farm to consumer outlets for the community of Rwandan farmers. We are committed to contributing to the growth of the Rwanda coffee industry, which has been growing steadily in recent years, with over 11% increase in production since 2010. Our future offerings will continue to utilize and originate from matriarchs across the coffee belt in Rwanda.
Quality Grade Coffee
Rwanda coffee tends to have pleasant aroma, full body, low acidity, well-balanced flavor profile (often described as sweet, chocolatey, or nutty), and floral aftertaste. It's no surprise why the Rwandan beans that Matriarch serves have become such a popular choice among roasters and consumers throughout the world.
At Matriarch Coffee we are committed to providing our coffee lovers with the best tasting coffee that is high quality. We are in a unique position compared to other importers of coffee in Rwanda. We provide full transparency by working directly with the farmers, processing coffee stations and down to the packaging of the Matriarch Coffee brand.
At each step of the coffee cultivation process we are attentive to the details that go into creating a wonderful tasting cup of single origin bean. In addition, our participation in the lovely community of Rwanda farmers makes our coffee and partners among the most favorite amongst the locals.
Paying it Forward
At Matriarch it is important that we give back to the same communities that raised and influenced us. The founders of Matriarch are proud to be represented by the strong and loving Mothers who inspired the coffee brand.
We appreciate the foundations laid by our matriarchs and understand the importance of giving back to the communities built by women farmers in Africa.
The goal of Matriarch Coffee is to become the preferred brand for ethical and equitable coffee, which appeals to both consumers and farmers. We understand that investing in the health and wellbeing of farming communities, particularly women and children, improves not just their quality of life but also their ability to produce high-quality beans.
‘Matriarch Coffee' social impact focuses on three primary goals: Matriarch Scholarship Fund, Tunga Livestock Program, and Community Welfare.
Matriarch Scholarship Fund: Girls are more likely to leave school in coffee-growing regions, which can lead to early marriages, unemployment, or underemployment. Matriarch Scholarship Fund aims at supporting girls' education in the communities where Matriarch Coffee sources its coffee beans.
Tunga Livestock Program: Matriarch Coffee is working directly and collaborating as partners with the Gasharu Farming community. With this program, Matriarch Coffee will contribute to the Gasharu Coffee Livestock program, providing livestock of choice to households in the Gasharu farming community. Our community involvement was inspired by the lack of opportunity and development awarded to the community of Nyamasheke District where gasharu coffee grows .
Community Welfare: Among our most popular initiatives is the community welfare program, which aims to improve the health and prosperity of communities that produce coffee beans we enjoy. This initiative is designed to assist our partner's efforts to decrease the health risks faced by coffee farmers and their families. We expect to contribute to Gasharu Coffee's "Daycare facility," which will be built at each coffee washing station so that parents may leave their children there while they work.
To learn more about our company and its founders visit our About page here.
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coffee, rwanda coffee